3 Common Short-Term Property Maintenance Issues and How to Solve Them

3 Common Short-Term Property Maintenance Issues and How to Solve Them

If you're hoping to use one of your Annapolis investment properties as a short-term rental, the first thing you'll need to do is apply for a license. Fortunately, they aren't as hard to attain in Annapolis as they are in some other cities.

That said, owning a licensed property isn't the end of your responsibilities. Short-term rentals require ongoing property maintenance if you want to secure stellar reviews.

What are some of the property maintenance issues you can expect to encounter? What do you do about them if you're out of town or have other responsibilities that keep you busy?

Read on for three common short-term property maintenance issues and how to solve them.

1. Emergency Property Maintenance

When you're new to the world of vacation rentals, you might assume that maintenance happens on a schedule. Maybe you're available one day a week or a few days a month to go through your maintenance checklist.

The reality is that emergency property maintenance issues will arise, from clogged toilets to broken windows to power loss. Guests expect that someone will be available to field their calls at any time and respond to emergency issues right away. If you know you can't meet this expectation, it's time to hire short-term property managers.

2. Professional Cleaning

When you're running a short-term rental in Annapolis, guests may stay anywhere between one night and a few weeks. Between each new guest, you need to hire a professional cleaning crew. One of the most common short-term rental complaints involves a lack of cleanliness, and a dirty rental is guaranteed to negatively impact guest satisfaction.

Experienced short-term property managers are familiar with local vendors including high-quality cleaning companies. Your property manager can not only field all vendor communication but also regularly inspect the property to ensure that cleanliness standards are met.

3. Wear and Tear

Because short-term rentals have a high turnover rate built into the business model, you should anticipate rapid wear and tear. Short-term renters often aren't as invested in keeping a vacation rental clean and intact as they are in their own homes. This can lead to problems ranging from stained carpets to damaged appliances.

Short-term property managers will visually inspect your property often. They will also hire professional contractors to inspect and repair things like electrical wiring and plumbing. The key is to approach wear and tear on a preventative basis, rather than waiting until you're facing an emergency.

Let PMI Handle Your Annapolis Short-Term Property Maintenance

Short-term rentals are a great way to increase your income. In Annapolis, short-term rental licenses are relatively easy to come by. However, getting the license is only the first step toward cultivating a great investment property.

If you're struggling to keep up with short-term property maintenance, PMI can help. We can market your property and handle guest communication. Plus, we take care of all maintenance communication to keep your property in great shape.

Are you ready to learn more? Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss our property management solutions.
